Critics and suggestions

If you have any suggestions, criticisms or complaints about UPVC door and window systems made of WINTECH profiles, which have been prepared from Wintech's official representative network, please help us provide better services by filling out the relevant form.

Critics and suggestions

Due to the production of UPVC profiles, wintech Group is not in contact with the final consumer, and wintech UPVC profiles are provided to final consumers and construction projects through the active agency network and by converting to UPVC window and door systems.In order to provide better services to the final consumers, the technical management and inspection unit in the Wintech complex provides technical training and support services to its representative network So that these representatives, having technical knowledge and information, provide optimal services for the manufacture and installation of UPVC doors and windows to the customers and final consumers of this product.
Therefore, if you have any suggestions, criticisms or complaints about the UPVC door and window systems made of WINTECH profiles, which are prepared from the official WINTECH representative network, please help us provide better services by filling out the relevant form.
It should be noted that the matters raised will be followed up through the company's sales management office and the result will be announced to the dear consumer.

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